NSO Weekly March 18-22

Hey all, see the link for the NSO Weekly Mar 18-22 Next Step Motto: Small steps are still progress! We hope everyone had a wonderful and enjoyable weekend. Monday is instructional day #29 of 83 or 35% complete. Reminder there is no school on Friday with the start of Spring Break. Students return to class on April 2.
EIPS Summer School- registration opened Friday at 8 a.m., and in the first 24 hours in we had 716 students registered and 4229 people view the registration page. A huge thanks to Chancie, Janet, Cheri and Andraea for fielding calls and emails during rollout process.
Parent Teacher Student Conferences- scheduled for Tuesday (Fort Saskatchewan) and Wednesday (Sherwood Park) from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Please book via Conference Sign Up
EIPS Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers- We could really use your help completing the EIPS Feedback Survey. The data collected from the survey is paramount in our planning for the future. Ultimately this is our Next Step report card! The survey closes March 21. TAKE THE SURVEY NOW!