Next Step School Advisory Council


Next Step School would like to invite you to be a part of our School Council!

School Councils were formed to support the school and provide the opportunity to advise the principal and school board on any matters relating to the school and education. Our School Council is made up of parents, staff, students and community members. We are a fairly informal group who meet once a month where possible to discuss school challenges and issues.

At every meeting, members have the opportunity to hear reports from the school administration, student representative, and committee of school councils' representative as well as a report from the school board trustee assigned to our school. Participation is encouraged and there is usually lively discussion on a wide range of topics.

There is no fundraising done by our School Council! According to the School Council Regulation we are to be given the opportunity to provide advice on the development of the school's mission, vision, and philosophy; policies; annual education plan; annual results report and the budget.

Schedule & Meetings

Meetings are held virtually or in person at SPO campus starting at 6 p.m. Regular attendance is not required. Please check out our school calendar and NSO Weekly News for scheduled School Council Meetings. 

Please click on the Meeting Link to attend.

NOTE: Dates and times are tentative

Scheduled Meeting dates:

September 26, 2023

October 24, 2023

November 28, 2023 

January 23, 2024

February 27, 2024

April 23, 2024  Join HERE