NSO Weekly Feb 12-17

Hey all, please see the link for the NSO Weekly Feb 12-17 Next Step Motto: Small steps are still progress!
We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Monday is instructional day #6 of 83 for semester 2 and marks our first five-day week. Welcome to our new success coach Danielle who starts this week in Sherwood Park. We were fortunate to receive additional funding to hire an additional person to support students and families.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey is open! We would greatly appreciate your support completing this. This data is important for us to collect so we can appropriately plan and get feedback on the work we do. Student participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. Additionally, parents and caregivers of students are also asked to take a survey online. Alberta Education has mailed information about the survey directly to grade 10 families only. However, we encourage all parents and caregivers to participate, regardless of grade as we get a larger sample size to make important educational decisions. Last year only had 8 parents in the school (all grades) complete the survey.
If you would like to participate in the survey, you can contact Alberta Education to request a (Random Access Code) RAC be generated. You contact directly at EDC.SystemAssurance@gov.ab.ca with the following information:
- Name of school (Next Step Sherwood Park- School Code 3307) or (Next Step Fort Saskatchewan- School Code 3310)
- Name of school authority (Elk Island Public) or Principal name (Barclay Spady)
- Grade of student
Parents do not need to provide any personal information about their child such as name, date of birth, or ASN.