NSO Weekly Feb 5-10

Hey all, please see the link for the NSO Weekly Feb 5-10 Next Step Motto: Small steps are still progress!
We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Short week ahead with early dismissal on Wednesday, and school closed Thursday and Friday with Teachers' Convention. Tuesday from 6-7 p.m. is our Sherwood Park Campus Open House for students and families looking for information on choosing school for 2024-25. This is a great opportunity to speak with staff and ask questions. Please return all textbooks to your designated campus to avoid potential replacement costs.
Alberta Education Assurance Survey is open and sent out to parents and caregivers. We would greatly appreciate your support filling it out. This data is important for us to collect so we can appropriately plan and get feedback on the work we do. Throughout February, all Next Step students are completing the survey online at school. Student participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. Students are assigned a random username and password to ensure survey responses aren’t linked to any individual student.
Additionally, parents and guardians of students are also asked to take a survey online. Alberta Education has mailed families information about the survey directly. As with the student and teacher survey, it’s anonymous and asks questions about your school experiences. We encourage you to participate. The survey deadline is March 1, 2024.
We appreciate the opportunity to engage, interact, and support all families. Our Next Step vision is to create a community of learners who embody the virtues of acceptance, flexibility, individualization, respect, and responsibility. We are excited you are part of our alternative learning environment. Have a great week!
High School students are required to check in and meet with their instructor(s) weekly. It is recommended that multiple check ins occur each week to ensure successful completion of academic course work. Students not adhering to the weekly check in schedule or failing to engage in the learning process will be removed from their course.